Bekh Romanchuk
the gold medal was won with Bekh-Romanchuk’s opening attempt which was measured at 14.81m, a significant improvement on her 2022 European lead of 14.59m. Not that she was content to rest on that laurel. In round four she jumped 14.80m, into a 2.3 m/s head wind, then uncorked a monster 15.02m with her next effort – her first venture beyond the magic 15 metre-mark.
Having been forced to train at Brescia in Italy because of the Russian invasion of her homeland, the emotion came pouring out in the aftermath of her emphatic victory. “I am really happy because I felt very supported by the German fans and by my family, my husband and others. I won gold medal because of them. It was the best outcome for me,” said Bekh-Romanchuk who won one of three medals for Ukraine on day five in Munich.
Silver went to Kristiina Makela with a Finnish record, 14.64m, and Hanna Minenko earned a poignant bronze with 14.45m. The 32-year-old was born in Ukraine but competes for Israel, having married the Kazakh-born Israeli decathlete Anatoly Minenko.
“I am super happy to take a medal in these European Championships, especially in Munich, especially 50 years after the Olympic Games here,” said Minenko, alluding to what became known as the Munich Massacre, in which eleven members of Israel’s Olympic party, athletes and coaches, were killed by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September.


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