Weightlifting bars have elasticity. Once you swing the bar – the weights on the sides go up like in a catapult.

Women bars are thinner and have a better elasticity. Take one, put weights further from the center, swing it to feel the effect.

Bar swings greatly when cleaning in the receiving position and before the jerk.

As one weightlifting rule allows Sportsmen to assist their recovery by swinging in the squat.

Another bans “any deliberate oscillation of the barbell” before the jerk.

And it’s very confusing!

Does this one look deliberate to you? but no! Good lift. This one definitely! Good lift! No? How about that one. Was it on purpose? And here?

It’s hard to understand the oscillation rule as it’s hard to tell what is deliberate. Why you’re allowed to swing in a squat, but not before the jerk. So Judges just neglect the rule. Why do you thin this rule exists?

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